S.B. Alexander Author

Dream Big.

I've always been a big dreamer, looking to the stars and the future. One of my long time dreams has always been to write. It took years to focus on my goal of telling stories. But hey, I did it. I'm writing books and loving every minute of it.

I had other ambitions like teaching high school. So I got my degree in math and taught high school and college for a few years. However, one thing I'd never thought I would do was join the navy. But that was the best thing I ever did. I credit my years in the military to my successes in life.

My motto: "Life is too short to waste. So follow those dreams and live every moment like it's your last."

My superpower is helping people. I love all things sports, especially baseball and golf. If I could choose one thing to eat forever it would be white powered donuts.


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